Saturday, January 23, 2010


Well, I've gotten some 'comments' on my blog in the past that were ads from some companies or individuals trying to sell something, which is why I decided to start moderating my comments. Blog Spam. Blam.
Today, I had another 'comment' on a very old blog and the entire thing was in Hebrew. Since I have a mild obsession with Israel and because I just started studying Hebrew, I decided to publish the 'comment', thinking it was from someone I know who knows these things about me. Then, I looked closer. There were URLs included. I decided to copy and paste. Wouldn't you know it, it was an ad. But not just any ad. It was an ad for a hotel/getaway in Tel Aviv Israel. Instead of being bummed that the comment wasn't from a fun friend, I looked at the photo gallery on this website. I read about their amenities. Now I want to go there. Maybe for my honeymoon. I bookmarked the website for future reference. It's kinda funky/artsy. Awesome BLAM!!!

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